GHS Committees

If you are interested in joining a committee, please contact the committee chair person:

  1. Click the link in the contact column.
  2. In the text of the email:
    - Let us know what committees you are interested in
    - Your name
    - How we should contact you. If by phone please provide a phone number and the best times to reach you.
  3. Send the email.

The chair person will be happy to answer any questions you have. They can also explain what the committee does, how often they meet and what would be involved. You can participate at many different levels.

Ferguson CottageLiz StaceyLiz
Plant Sale & Special Events Liz StaceyLiz
Open Gardens
WorkshopsPat HandorfPat
Auction & RaffleP.J. GagneP.J.
Dream Garden Conference Pat
General MeetingsAudrey
WebSiteLiz StaceyLiz
FinanceVerity Stott-Camm Verity
Business ManagementPat Handorf Pat
Newsletter Pat HandorfPat
Bus Trip
Children & Youth ProgramRenate Wells Renate